Soup For The Soul

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Orzo Soup and Veggies

Who doesn’t like a hot bowl of homemade soup on a cool Fall day? I know I do and Fall is coming and so it that lovely Winter, which is not far away. I know it is so much easier just to open a can of soup, and heat it up. I know I have done that myself, but now I prefer to make my own. I know this way I’m not getting a sodium overload either LOL. I know making homemade soup can be time consuming, in the end it is so much better for you. I make what I call orzo soup, but them again kind of like they say….it has everything but the kitchen sink in it. I love to make it and I add a lot of veggies, no meat. You can add chicken to this is you like, I just like it with no meat. I make it in a slow cooker and then put it in glass containers and freeze it. So when I want a hot bowl of soup, I take it out and let it unthaw then heat it in the microwave. So easy and so nice to have homemade soup in my freezer, along with other homemade things I freeze. I do the same with spaghetti sauce too.

Below is picture of it, and if you would like the recipe let me know and I can post it for you!

Have a wonderful day until next time!



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Happy Day!