Be Safe About Your Surroundings When Walking


Ok ladies you might be wondering about the title of this blog, and well I’m going to explain that to you. When I say be safe about your surroundings when you are walking, whether it is inside your house or outside it is because there can be trip hazards. Sometimes we might see them sometimes not, or it isn’t something necessarily that you might think can make you fall and hurt yourself. Last weekend on Saturday night I had just gotten out of the bath and getting ready for bed. I went over to my bed to take off my throw pillows oof like I do every night, and my foot got caught in my bed skirt.

What happened, well I could feel myself falling and tried to brace myself by trying to hang on to my bed. Needless to say, that didn’t happen down I went on my right knee. Let me just say I rent where I live and there is NO padding under that rug. My knee hurt so bad and I also gave myself rug burn. I hobbled to the kitchen since at this point the pain was making me sick to my stomach, and I just wanted some water. As I stood there in the kitchen in horrible pain, I thought to myself dang did I break something? I looked at my knee which had already started to swell, so I thought I’ll just take some Advil and go to bed, maybe by morning it won’t be so bad.

Well let’s just say the next morning it was worse, and the pain was bad. So since it was my right knee I knew I wouldn’t be able to drive myself to the hospital. I called my neighbor and told her what happened if she would mind taking me, which she did. Being a Sunday it was an ER call as no clinics are opened. So I get to the ER and of course they asked me what happened, I was a little embarrassed as I felt it was stupid what had happened. They took me right away into a room, must to my surprise(maybe because I’m older LOL) The nurse was the sweetest little thing, she said it won’t be long the doctor will be here in a few minutes to check you out. So not to make this a long story, he had it x-rayed… fractures, nothing broken or dislocated. That was good news, all I had was an effusion near the ligament which he said was normal and should go away on its own. Then sent me on my way after the nurse applied an Ace wrap and told me to ice it, and the doctor had called in some pain meds. (which I hate taking)

So, osteoporosis = fragile bones, yet I didn’t break or fracture anything. I truly think that all the right vitamins I take do help. I could have maybe sustained a more serious injury.

So ladies be careful and be safe!

Until next time.


How To Increase Spinal Bone Density With Exercise


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