Menopause And Osteoporosis

The question asked by many women is, will osteoporosis only happen to me when I go through menopause? The answer to that question is no, not only menopausal women are diagnosed with osteoporosis. Younger women have been diagnosed with osteoporosis as young as 20 or 35. Does that shock you to think someone that young can develop osteoporosis? It can happen and it has happened, so not just going through menopause are you at risk at developing this condition. This is why I have mentioned before that it doesn’t matter how old you are, you need to start protecting your bones now.

While women go through menopause and so many changes take place with our bodies, this is when we really need that extra of everything. We need to make sure we eat healthier, take the vitamins we need for our health and for ou bone health.

Until next time, have a wonderful day!



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